Alternative Designs
An anonymous website is promoting the idea that Save the Field is against a Two Story Option.
Save the Field would be ecstatic to support the right two story option that preserves the field for future generations.
As you can see below, additional designs have had community support the whole time.
Holly McClurg stated that the district does not want a Two Story Option, so community efforts attempted to present one story alternatives.
The December 2019 DMUSD Regular School Board Meeting Video:
Rolf Silbert's Design
Dec 2019 to Feb 2020
Rolf Silbert introduced an alternative plan in December that was refined and re-presented over the course of a couple of months. It was kept at one story because DMUSD did not want to consider two stories.
Huggetts' Design
Dec 2019
Mira Montana neighbors Kelley and Wes Huggett commissioned a local Del Mar Architect to design a two story version of the school in an attempt to present viable solutions. They first presented the design to their neighbors and got their blessing before presenting it to the district.
Triangle Design
Sept 2020
Save the Field met with the district as part of CEQA negotiations in September 2020 to discuss yet another design.